Friday, June 23, 2006


Originally uploaded by tomo13105217.
Today I read Sally’s Phone and I think that this story is interesting but little strange. In this book, all of the people always have their phone. One day Sally gets on the train. There are a lot of people on the train and most of them are talking on their phones. Do you think it strange? I think it strange but it’s okay.
Sally has a boyfriend and she promises him to meet at evening. The boyfriend asks her to wear blue skirt but she can’t wear the blue skirt because it’s dirty. She talks to her friend Claire about her boyfriend and the blue skirt when she is at work. She says ‘Let’s go out at lunchtime and we can find a new skirt.’ At the lunch time she buys a red skirt because she likes it. After shopping, she goes to a café and then she meets a man. The man whose name is Paul drops her bag with the red skirt on the floor. He picks up her bag and he says sorry. Then she goes back to work but it is a problem! That is about her cell phone. Her cell phone and Paul’s cell phone change so they will meet to change their cell phones. She was preparing the date but on the way she changed her mind. She gets new boyfriend!! You know the boyfriend's name is Paul!!!

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