Thursday, June 29, 2006


Originally uploaded by tomo13105217.
I read a book whose title is Christmas Carol and I think it is very famous story. I’ll introduce this story.
There is cold, hard man whose name is Scrooge. He loves money and he does not like people even if children. He really does not like Christmas so he spends the time alone on Christmas day. But them some ghosts visit him and they show him his past and now and a possible future.
First he meet a Ghost of Past Christmases and the ghost take his arm with a strong hand. They go to the window and fly in the sky. They go to Scrooge’s past Christmas day. He is surprised and very angry. After see that, they go back his home and the past ghost go out.
Second he meet a Ghost of Christmas Now and they go out together. He sees other home and he feels very sad. His mind becomes change gradually from at that time. And then he sees a poor girl sitting down. He cries and say ‘Can’t somebody help them?’ I can’t believe that is his words.
Next he meets a Ghost of Future Christmases and he asks the ghost to show him his future. On the way he is very afraid because there is a dead man and the man is Scrooge!! He cries and he say he want to change his future.
He was learning a lot of important things from the three ghosts. He’ll learn from the past, from now and from the possible future and he’ll be kind at Christmas. After these experiences, he made friends and he always had a good time at Christmas.
I hate this old man at first but I like him now. I thought it is important for man to take care about someone. That was great book so I recommend this book to you.

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