Sunday, May 14, 2006

May 14.

Originally uploaded by tomo13105217.
Today I took a practice interview at Across Fukuoka so I got up early this morning for going to Fukuoka. I got on a bus at 8 a.m., it took almost 2 hours. Before I took the practice interview, I read some books which are stuff like that in this picture and it is very useful and interesting if you are interested in Airline Company. I practiced self-introduction and how to bow, how to walk and how to speak. I hate speak front of any audience so it is very difficult for me to speak well. In my room I practice speech again and again but it was not good. I was so nervous in front of the interviewer that I had difficulty expressing my opinion. Althogh I was taught I should smile in the interview, I did not smile. I knew that give oral examination is very, very difficult so I think that I should continue practice many things. I have a lot of things what I have to do. After the interview I went to a cafeteria with my friends and we ate parfait. It was very delicious and I relaxed then. After that we went home by bus together. I was very, very tired today.

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